Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

452 SERM. VIII. Your thirlk Mal be (a- tisfied & healed. Ioh.4.i o. .9.ueft. vinfty. We are firft in Chrilt ; extends no further; if this will not move you,you are not to be wrought on by us, but we mull leave you to your (elves, and to your owne wayes, togoe on and perifh, and receive your Portion with chafe that are hardned through unbel'efe, whofe end is damnation, and your bloud (hall be upon your owne heads, for that is all our Commifïion to propound there two to you. It mutt be Gods worke to make your hearts fen- fiblc of there things, wee can but propound objects And fo much for the firft, He that comes in f all be Pa- ved, he that doth not JBall be damned. The third Motive, I take from lohn ç. i o. when the Lord had that converfe with the woman of Sama- ria, what faith he to caufe her to come in Woman, if tl 03 hadit asked of me, I would have given thee the water of life : He that drinkes of this water/biall thir/l againe, but he that drinkes of the water that I f hall give him, (ball thir/i no more, but it triad be in him a Well fpringing up to everlafing life: So, that is the Argument, if you will come in to Chrift, you (hall thirft no more, but you fhall have your thirft fatisfied,and you fhall have water given you, which will be water of life. What is that t That is, If you will come into Chrift, twothings you (hall have by it: Fírft,your thirft that you had be- fore, that difeafe of thirft, that every man Iwing is fub. je& to, until! hebe in Chrift, that (hall be healed ; that is, every man hath many things he thirfls after ; as rake' every natt rail man, hethirfls after credire, and wealth, and honour,and life,and after a thoufand things,which the nature of man is fenfible of: Well,faith Chrif},this thirft (hall be hca.ed in you, if yo>. come in to me. How