Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The New Creature, what. How fhall it bee healed e By breeding in you a right thirft by bringing the foule into health, as it were; It is, as if he had faid, I will reveale things to you,which you thall prize above all there, when you (hall fee their precioufnefïé,and the need you And in of them : for there twothings make thirft, then the other, Chrift beaks it in you : As, take every man that is regenerate, to whom God bath re- vealed better things, Even fuck as the eye bath not teen, nor the we heard,neither hath cntred into the heart of any natural! man. I fay, the heart fees fo by thefe things, it fo magnifies them, that they take up his heart altoge- ther, that he no more thirfis after other things, but his defires grow remifl'e in them, though theywereall ta- ken away, he could be content, he bath better things, there is a true thirft come in,which bath cured the falle thirft, as the true Serpent devoured the false. But, you will fay, wee finde not this experience, doe not regenerate men thirft after thefe things as well as others I cannot deny ir, they thirft after them too much, but yet this thirft is healed,for now they doe not thirft after them, as things wherein their happinefleconfiIts, their hearts are in a good meafure taken off them, they looke on them with a right eye, and fo their thirft is faid to bee healed, not becaufe the worke is perfec4 but becaufe it is the way to bee healed, and will bee perffed red. And fo we mutt fupply al the refl. Lufts are 'laid to be mortified, not becaufe they are fully dead, but becaufe they are in the way of death , and will dye perfe&ly; therefore we apply the name of morti- fication to them : So it is in other things,we fay water G g is ... 453 SERM. objea. vdnfrv, Dili afed thirh hsa- led in the Saints.