Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

454 The New Creature hat. SERM. is hot, though it have but a little hear, and a thing is VIII. white, though it doe but begin to be white; and fo we fa a thing is healed, h y b t ough it be but begun,and be not perfaly healed : Even to in this cafe every man that comes to Chrifl,his thirft is healed,he thirüs no more, becaufe his foule is pot into health : As if you fhould fay to a dropfe man (for when his thirft is healed, his difeafe is cured)you (hall have the thirft of an healthful) man but this difeafed thirft you fhall have no more. i So, if you will come into Chrift, this may invite you"; you fhall thirft no more,you fhall be put into that hap- py condition, that your ftrong lufts that were your .thirft before, fhall be healed in you. And betides, another thing is, you fhall not die ; It is water of life that Chrift gives, as if he had faid, you may drink this Well -water and and drink againe, and thirft againe, and then you die; this water will not give life; therefore he addes that word, Water of ; This water that I give you, )(hall make you live for lob.d, 15. ever, it )(hall give you eternall life. I am the living bread that came downe from heaven, he that eats of melba/I not hunger, and he that beleewes in me fhall not thirfl, but /hall live for ever. But this I preft in the other, and there- fore I will not eland longer on it, mot .4. We will name a fourth Motive, that you find ordi- If you united bee narily in Scriptures. If you come not in to Chrift, all with things (hall worke together for your hurt, and if you ling ñali take him, tlll ))tall worke together for yourgood I fay,. ,vork to if you doe nor, all things )(hall worke together for your gether for hurt. This is the mifery of every man out of Chrift, our g f let him be in what condition he will, every thing owes yaui hm. him an ill turne, and will doe it one time or other: Profperity