Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The New Creature, what. Profper y is bad for him, that ílayes him, and his af- fli%ions come for hurt to him, they are like the lop- ping of a tree out of feafon, which tends to the deflru- pion of the tree; but it is quite otherwife with the godly, they have afliiaions, but they are in feafon, which makes the Tree grow better. Take the beft things in the world, the very Word that is preached, the enlightnings and good motions they have from the Spirit, they all tend to the hurt of the wicked, for they encreafe their condemnation, every thing workes to- gether for their hurt, whatfoever they enjoy : On the other fide,if you will come in,all things (hall workto- gether for your good, that is, they (hall joyne together for your advantage, one thing (hall be ready to help an- other, and nothing fball befall you,butit (hall work for your good, becaufe when all is fummed up,as vvhatfo ever befals the wicked, puts them further from G o D : Againe, whatfoever befals a good man, it drives them, nearer to God,and that is a fure rule nothing dada good, but that which drawes us nearer to the fountains of all good; and nothing doth hurt but that which drives us from God. Now, whatfoever befals a good man, it drawes him nearer to God : Sinne, which of all other feemeth to doe him moft hurt, yet it drives him nearer to God, becaufe it makes him to empty himfelfe, of himfelfemore,it makes him fee his owne mifery more, and to prize lefue ChriJ? more, though they be in them (elves poifon,yet God turnes them into medicines,eve ry thing workes for his good, that is the meaning of that, All things are yours, Paul and Cepha, that is,every thing in the world (doe but ferve God) life and death are for your advantage, that is, whatfoever is in life, G R 2 life 455 SERM. VIII. Sin drive the Saint nearer to God.