Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

456 The Nev Creature, what. SERM. life and all that belongs to ir, is for your advantage, that, you may grow rich in good workes, the longer you live, the better; Againe, when death cernes, with all the harbingers of ir, it is for your good; Sicknefl'es, which are degretshereof, they being but the hires by which wee defcend downe to the chambers of death, death and all the precedents of death, even all : heft petty deaths are for your advantage, yea,whatfoever is in the world is for your good; Things prefint and things to come, are years : Even as in the field, we fay, every thing is for the Wheat, the ttalke, the care, the chaffe, the rowing, the plowing,the thrething,the win- nowing, the barne and granary, every thing is for the wheat: So the wheat that growes in this great field of the world, are only the Saints, and every thing in the World is for their advantage, Summer and Winter, Proft, and Snow, wet and dry, that is, weale and woe, good and eviil, affliction and profperity, all is for the advantage of the Saints, their winnowing and tempta- don, all their threfhings work together for their good. And this you fhall have by Chrift; if you will come in to him, every thing (hall owe you a good turne, you fhall Tooke on nothing, but it is for you; All men, yea the belt of them, Paul and vlpofo, and Cephes, are for your fervice, whatfocver gifts they have, they are all given for your ufe. Let this move you to come in; if you will not,how ever you may live in this world, and enjoy fome fweetnetfe with them, that have their por: non in this life, yet they dull doe you hurt, and in the. latter end fo you null find it. THE