Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

4440444 iMA ********1?:**112421121211121, THE NINTH SERMON VPON THE 21jETP CRE ATYRE. 2 COR. 5.17. Therefore if any man hein Chrift, let him bee a.11jew Creature; Here is one motive that remains, and that is this,which you thall finde, Bevel.3.17. For thou fayeft, i am rich and encreafid in in goods, and have need of nothing, and knoweft not that tb ou art wretched, and mi- rerable, and poore, and blinde, and naked. Becaufe we are moved much with fenfible things, it pleafcth the Holy Ghoft to exprefle our fpirituall mifery,by that mifery, whichwe are fenfible of,which is outward; If you be out of Chrift, you are poorc, and naked, andmife- rable ; If you come in to him, you thall have the con- trary ; wee will pitch therefore upon thefe three parti- culars : Fir ft, if you be out of Chrift, you are poore. What is that poverty e Gg3 Y 457 SEe.S/II. Met. 5. If you be out of CbriJf,you are poore, and naked and aide table. r Poore. What that poverty is.