Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

458 The New Creature, what. SER.lx.1 It is the wart of whatfoever may m::ke th foul; `. rich'; for, you know, there is a double riches ;. charge shaft that are rich in this world, where there is an intima- tion, that there are men that are rich in another world L4 12.2,' And fo Luk, t a.. So it he that is rich in:his world, and ù R.ev, Z, s not rich towards God. And Rev.2. 1 know thy paverty,but thou art-rich : that is,thou art rich in grace,and in good wot kes, though thou art poore otherwile, and there. fore there is a poverty thatconcernes the foule, a fpiri- tual poverty which is found in every man out of Chrifl. Poverty, you know, it is a thing that every man fhuns, hee would not be poore, and you (hall finde, -that look what reafons there are,, why a man (hould not bee poore in his outward citate, here is the fame reafon, why they should not be poore in their fpiricuall'eflate. Riche end For to what end ferve riches t' Riches ferve but for they Cave this purpof', to procure things needfull for us, if wee for, . want bread, or vanes or houfes, or any thing, riches To fetch will procure- them,and therefore we prize riches : And invvhat fo likewité there are fpirituall riches, that- willpro- Wc_Wattt cure things needfull for our foules, and, if wee want them, we Mall want that, that is profitable for us, we (hall want that, that is neceffary for our falvation. For riches doe but fet men a work, to doe us fervice; riches candoe no more, than men can doe : but thefe fpiritu. all riches fer God a worke, to doe us good; they are beyond the other, as much as the helpe of God goes beyond the help of snan,when you need any thing. if you be rich in Chrifi, if you be rich in grace, if you be rich in good works,it is but putting upyour requefi, and you (hall have it at the hand of God, if you want them, you (hall have whatfoever he is able to doe for you: