Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

T he New Creature, 'hat. you; Now if you bee out of Chri[l, faith the Text, you are poore, (that is) you want thefe fpiricuall rich- es,you have no ground to goe,and to make your fuit to God for any thing. Againe, riches Rand us in Read in the time of need; for why doe men lay uptreafures t' that when death comes, when there comes a time of need, the riches that they have laid up, may ferve their turne, they may have thofe ready for their ufe, when other men want them. Are not thefe riches for the fame purpofee Will there not come a day of need, will there not come a time of fpending, when there will be no leafure to ga- ther at the day of death a Then all the feed Towne to the fpirir, all the good works that we have laid up, will beas a creature, and at that time will doe us good : And that is the difference between the death ofa godly man, and another; when a wicked man comes to the time of need,he bath nothing to [Whine him,he bath no oile left in his lampe, he bath nothing to help` him up ; but the godly man bath a treafure, that he bath gathered, all his life was to lay up a treafure: And this, my Bre- thren, you (ball find to be a great comfort at that time, that when you come to dye, all the faithfull prayers that you have made, all the good wotkes that you have done, all the fincerity that you have (hewed in denying your (elves, in pairing by the things that worldly men catch ar, in doing things, that it may be, have brought trouble and (Linder, and difgrace, and per fecution on you, you (hall then findeita treafure. Take two men, when they come to that day, the one rich in this wotld,another rich in good works,and.con- fider which of there two conditions. you wouldchoole; Gg_ 4.. _. andl 459 Sert,IX.