Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

460 The New Creature 7bhat. SLR.ViI. and therefore it is not a !mall natter to be rich : Now -- when you are in Chri[l,you are rich ; out of him, you are poore,and have nothing to Rand you in Read in the time of need. Again, this a man hath by riches,that he is indepen. dent,hc needs not to ferve others,& therfore you know the Prover be is, that a rich man he can live by others, and without others, and that is it, they boaft of: So it is with all the Saints, they may fay to all the world, they can Live without ir, becaufe they have G o D to bee theirs, they have all his treafures open to them, they have enough in him, for he is all- fuficient,though they have but him alone for their portion, yet bee is enough,as he faith to vihraham,ram all. fuffrcient; and why, there are but two things that a man can defre,to be free from evil!; and to enjoy good,faith he,/ am thy Buckler,to keep thee from evil!, and thy exceeding great reward to give good to thee : that is, thou !halt have en- ough,if thou enjoy me. Now,if you be out of Chrifi, you (hall be poore, that is, you !hall want thefc riches, you want the riches of grace, and of good workes, that (hould (land you in (lead in the time of need,which wil fetch anything in for you,when you want ir,which will make you more independent, and !land upon your owne bottomes,which is that that every man defrres. z. Naked. Again,if you be out of Chrill,you are naked. Na. Nakednes kednes is a want of that which fhould adorne us,which what. Ihould beautifie us, and that is the cafe of everyman out of C x x t s T, thereis no beauty in him. It is the Lox D only that cloaths us with beauty. As it is faid of Saul, Weepe for Saul, yee Daughters of Ierufalem, for he clothed you with Scarlet, and did bang ornaments of gold