Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Neu' Creature Th at. gold upon your apparel. It may truly be faid of Chrift, that he cloaths us with fcarlet, and hangs ornaments of gold on our appareil, that is , it is he that makes us Priefts to his Father : Now the Priefts in the old Law, were but a type of us , we are the Priefts indeed , you know they had Jewels, and embroidered garments;and fo all the Saints have the fhining graces of the Spirit, which adorne and beautifie them : when a man becoms fo beautified, then his fight is comely, his voice is plea. Pant , and his prayers are acceptable. This benefit we have by being in Chrift, that it makes us comely in the fight of the Lord, we !hall be made beautiful! ; Indeed Salomon in all his Royalty was not fo beautiful! as one of the Saints : It is faid,the Lillies are much better cloa- thed than he : And why,: Becaufe that was a cloathing of Gods owne worke, this is the cloathing of Nature; but the cloathing of Grace goes beyond the cloathing of Nature ; If the cloathing of Nature be beyond that of salomon,(as indeed it is for naturali excellencie)fure- ly the cloathing of Grace goes beyond that, this you fhall have by Chrift : when you come to him, you come to a rich Wardrobe, where you may fute your felves from top to toe,that you need want nothing,and by the way , that ufe you may make ofir, when you come to him , where there are garments of all forts , where there is change of raiment, why fhould you fuf- fer your foules to be naked in any part,I,kncw you rec- kon it undecent for a man to be unevenly cloathed, to have force garments rich and precious , and to have Tome vile andbafe, and why will you fuffer your felves then to goe fo unequally cladtIt may be you have gra- ces in one kind, but you want others, if you come in to him, 461 SERM. VIII.