Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

462" SER Ti t. him , it is he that cloaths you, you are naked without him , this benefit you (hall have by him; you'(hall bee (loathed and be made beautiful,you fhall have that glo- rious attire, that will make you glorious within, which will make you comely in thefight of God.; if not, you (hall be naked, 'and.thereforeyou (hall be rejeded, you (hall want that beauty which God onely accepts. 3 Hungry A gaine,if you be out of Chritl,you (hall be hungry, you (hall be wretched and miferable,for I pitch on that generali one becaufe that is one of the outward mife. ries, when a man is hungry., when he is flarved, when he"wants that which fhould ftrengthen him,and refre(h him, and maintaine his life. This is the cafe of every man out of Chrifi, he wants that which fhould feed him , that which (hould ftrengthen him, for you mutt know , that the foule bath a meate as well as the body ; otherwife , why doch Chrifi lay , 1 have 4 meat to Bate that you know not of They wondered to fee him neglect his dinner, when he flood talking with the woman of Samaria, loh. 1011.4 3 Z. q.. Why faith he, l have another meat to eate. And why ,doth David fay, Thy law is fweeter to me than the honey, if there were not fomewhat that his foule did feed on e XI Irma And fo, Why is it faid than Manna was Amielis food? The New Creature, what. / You know Manna was a materiali thin fuch as a f t food,how, s p- ritual! fub(lance cannot feed on,but becaufe by that Manna Chrifl was reprefentede You know he is laid to be the true Manna The true bread that came down from hea- ven;the Angels they feed on this,and in that refped,it is called Angels food ,they feed on the time fpiritual mear, r r Cor.t o. Tau r fathers did eate thatJìiritual meat,t hat is, 3. the corporal meat did- typifie the ipirlwal meate,which is