Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The 7\7' 'etn &reattire, 1Aat. is Angels food ; therefore there is a food, that the foule feeds on; our of Chrift, there is none oft his, but you, foulesare flarved,are miferable and wretched. For what is it that food doth:' It maintains life in a man, take a- way food,and you die for it.N ow it is Chrifl that gives thar,Nas fiefh is meat indeed,and his blood is drinke indeed: that is , N hofoever beleeves not in him, whofcever par - takes not of him, he dies for ever. Againe, meate flrengtheneth , and fo doth the Lord when wee come to him , bee gives fpirituall [lrength, Without him the are able to doe nothing : As you have ir, lob. 15. Without me you are able to bring . forth no fr :trite : But as the Apoflle [peakes, Phil. 4. Through chrit i am able to doe every thing : It is the Lord that giveth flrength : If you will come in you (hall have ftrength given you , which is the property of meate. Againe, meate refrefheth and revives the fpirit, fo doth the Lord by his graces:, by the joy ofthe Holy Ghofl; by peace of conference, bytho[e things that he puts into the heart of every believer, I fay,they refrefla the foule, more than flagons of wine, and there is as e- vident refrefhing :.and therefore you know that meta- phor is ufed often in Efay 26. I will make afeaflof fned wines, and of fat things : And in CMat.2 2. he calls them to come in , for his fallings were prepared, and all things were ready. What is the reafon that the Lord refembleth fpiritu- all things by a Feafl r Bccaufe they doe the fame things as a-Feafl doth ; a Feaft is a refrefhing to a man, a continual! Raft is a continuall comfort , and this you âhall have , if you will come in to the Lord : if 463 S>:x.lX Phil-4.13. Ifa 26, nit. zz. 1. , Spirituall things re fembled to a Feaff, w hy.