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464. SERM. VIII. objeft. c4nfsv. 5 ?irituall things pre - fent in the grit fruiter Ire are tïrft in Chrift; if you will not come in you fhall be ftarved you ma 11 be wreched and miferable. This you (hall have by the Lord lefus. Let this move you to come in. But now a man will be ready to objet , you tell us of thefe things, and indeed thefe are goodly things , if they were prefenr, if they were reali, if they were not Imaginary things onely, that confined in notion, and in fpeculation ; if they were things that were fenfible, but they are not fo; thefe things are future things, they are remote things, they are things but in Imagination, they are things that wee have no feeling of, they are things that if wee looke after them, we Than lofe other things in this life This Objeáion all the world makes againft fuch motives as thefe, and therefore I will aal were thefe briefly, and proceed. Fir(t, whereas men fay, they arc things that are far off, (and indeed fuch things move not much :) I fay, they are already prefect , they area great part prefent, wee have the firft fruits prefent, though the harveft be deferred , and wee may boldly fay to you , that thole very gleanings for the prefent ,are beyond the vintage that the children of this world enjoy, the peace of con- fcience, the joy of the Spirit , boldneffe in death, fecu- rity and freedom from all deaths, and dangers, famili- arity and acquaintance with God , to enjoy his favour with all that he can doe, thegraces that prevent us, the bleffing that follows us in all our aâions, the comforts of the Saints,whofe hearts are made glad with the light of Gods countenance; thefe things, I fay are beyond the wine and oile, beyond the dainties and honours which they have, who have their portion in this life; therefore