Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

ta. ----- 9 The New Creature, what. 465 therefore you have fomething for the prefent : Indeed SE It .IX. the out. fide of thefe things are but b ate, but the in -fide is precious. This is the difference betweene heavenly things and earthly ; in heavenly the worft is firft , the bell is Taft : In outward things it is true, the beginning is fweet,but the latter end is bitterefl:but let that be one anfwere to it, that you have much of it for the prefent. And befides this, remember though you have it not prefent , yet you fhall have it after ; and what great matter is it to want a little, to enjoy more for the fu- ture' Are we not content to buy great reverfions with h e mû11 the loífe of a little money for the prefent, for we fay it mile of will come in e Are we not content to endure an Ap. them after prentifhip of leaven or eight yeares, for our greater ad- vantage ? Doe not men willingly ferve a Matter, or Miftrtfï'e,a long time, for hopes hereafter.: Now what folly;yea,what Atheifine,and unbelief is it for a man in things that concern falvation, not to be content to want a little for the prefent, to enjoy happineffe for ever? Ifa man fhould be put to his choife,whether he would have five fhillings to day , or many thoufands to morrow, a man, no queftion would have it to morrow. You know , this life is not fo much to eternitie as to day is to the next day; why fhculd we not be content to want littíe,that we may have the more afterwards. And befides, if you confider what men are, men are reafonable, and to what end is real given you, but to looke on things part and future That is the part of a Reaf013 Beaft onely to looke onprefent things , you fhould doe aid f ;th more than the Bepfts doe , you fhould looke to thin s ovtd m;nd helpeusfu- to that are future, and fhould oidcr your lives according ro that ; And what have you faiò fore For faith "9' is th,ñ,.