Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

466 SE IX. The New Creature, what. is that which diflinguifheth a Chriftian from another man,as reafon diftinguifheth a man from a beaft,furely this fhould teach you to goe beyond reafon,reafon tea - cheth you to goc beyond that which is prefent, and Faith carries you beyond that ; and therefore you (hoald have an eye to things future, to things to come, and not be occupied in things prefent ; and therefore, though you have not thofe things for the prefent, you (hail have them , and you fhould be content to want a little, that you may enjoy the more for the future; you (hould confider things future and not prefent, if reafon teacheth you to doe fo, much more will Faith. But it will be objeeted againe, It is true ; but thofe things that you tell us of, they are not reall things, they are things that confift but in notion, and fpeculation It is not fo,You muff know that thefe fpirituall Pri_ viledges are reali. All that are in Chrift , are as truely Kings and Prieu s, they are as truly Sonnes and I-3eires apparant, and have all the promifes of God intailed upon them and theirs, (as any Princes in this World) and there is no regenerate man that knowes this, that will change that glory that is referved for him in Flea - ven, for any earthly Kingdome. But we have no feeling of thefe things r We anfwere againe, that there is a fenfe of them, as quicke a fenfe and apprehenfion of them, as there is of any other ; for what is it that makes men fenfible of thofe outward riches, and kingdomes, and honours t nothing but this, becaufe the underftanding magnifieth'' fuch things , and the affetion loves and delires fuch things, when you enjoy them, then you arc rgfre(hed with them ; for pleafure is nothing elfe, but the fuiting of objeFt.2 vsnfw. Spirituali .pr.viledges reali. objea. 3 Spirituali things fenfible. r-----------^