Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The New Creature, ü'bat. of a mans delires whatfoever they be : No man would take pleafure in any outward things, but becaufe, firft he defires them, and the fatisfying of that, is that that breeds a pleafure :now when you come home to Chrrfi, you muff know that you Thal have other defires,as you have it in this Text, rou fhall be made new Creatures,you !hall have other affeáions than you had before, and when there are fatisfied, you frail have as true Pleafure and rejoycing, as ever you had in the other; for, if that be a true definition of Pleafure and rejoycing, that it is a fatisfying of the define, a fatisfying of the appetite, whatfoever it is, when that is changed ; Why fhould you doubt, that you (ball not have as much fenfe, and as quicke an apprehenfron, yea, why may we not fay, you !hall have more r For this I will bee bold to af. firme, that the objeSt is greater, and the faculty is more capacious and apprehenfive. The object is greater, for it is durable riches, it is durable honour, a durable kingdome, greater than any Kingdome upon the earth. Look on all things that God propounds to the ions of men, and they are farre beyond the things that are here below : To be the fon of God is more than to be the fon of any King, to be an beire of heaven,to be an heire of all things, is more than to bean heire apparant to a Crowne; whatfoever is propounded, I (ay it isbeyondir, therefore the ob. jest is greater. Then come to the faculties, they are more capacious, they have a more quickeand lively fenfe and apprehenfion, as the Rational( faculties, the Vnderftanding, and the Will, their apprehenfions are deeper than thole of phanl e, of fenfe, or fenfuall appe- tite ; and therefore you fee the griefe of the reafonable - art 467 SER. 1eaCure, what.