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468 i The New Creature, Zbhat. SER .1X. part is more than that of the fentes, and hence it is,that the mitery of thofe that are in hell , goes beyond the miferies ofany in this life;and fo the joyes of thofe that are in heaven is beyond the joy ofany in this life:Man,as he is more happy fo is he more miferable than the Beaff, and why fo e Becaufe the faculty is larger, and therefore a man that is heavenly - minded, a man that lives by faith, that is, in Chriti, hee bath greater things to enjoy, than a worldly man bath or can have. Againe, the thoughts, the:faculties that are taken up about them , they are of a larger apprehenfion, and have a more deep and quick fence than the others have; and therefore in matter of fente , we cannot yeeld that thcte things arc not fentible, For it is peace ofcon fci- ence that paleth all understanding, it is joy ungieakable and glorious. It is fail fo of no outward thing, and therefore chete are farre beyond them; that (hall ferve to anfwer that objection. And fo wee have gone thorow three of them that they are things abfent, that they are things that are not reali, that confifi in notion and fpeculation, that they are things not fenfible. ob.4. Now there is a fourth objection , but I muff lofe prefent things for them ; if we might have him and en- joy our pleafures, if wee could have him and eaj:y riches and honour , wee would be content , buy wee mutt be at a loffer nfv But to this we anfwer , that you (hall be no lofers, no not for this life, you ihallbut make an excha, ge, and change for a better ; What is it that Chriíl re, quires of your it is but to doe fomething for his fake, and to Puffer fomething ; if you doe,it is but feed fowne to