Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

--.... 473 SERM,I; THE CVP OF BLESSING: Delivered in three Sermons, upon Cor. to. t6. The Firf.fSER 14. I Cog. I0.16. The Cup of lleßing, that Tire blet, it it not the Communion of the .Moud of Chri ft ? ócc. r all the actions wherin we are converfant throughout the whole Tra6t of life,none . are of fo great conk quence as thofe wher. in we have to doe with the Mighty God of Heaven and Earth: And among all rhofe, none fo weighty, as that wherein we draw nea. dt to him, as wee doe in this holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper. And therefore, oothingconctrnes us .pore than that we doe not receive it unworthily, be. :,cure the Lord wil be fan &ified in thofe tha: draw m- ar .unto him, that is, either in the holincfle :,tf their H h 3 hearts