474 the Cup _of Ble fling. sekM.I. hearts, or in executing F juft judgement upon them : And therefore that at this time, and others alto, you may not come unprepared to the holy Sacrament, we have purpofely pitched on there words : The Cup of Bluing that we Nei.] &c. In which yee íhall finde thole three p.rts: Firff, that in this Sacrament there is'a true commu- nicating of the body and bloud of Clrifl. Secondly, the mcanes whereby this communicati- on is made co us, it is the bre;:king of the hread,and by powring out the Wine : is not the bread that we bre4ke the Communion of the body of Chrift ? &c. And Thirdly, the rating a -part, or the blefing, or fan6fifying of there elements to fùch a put pole, The Cupof bleßing which we bhp, is it not the communion of the blood of chrif Now for the fiat of thefe, I fay, in the Sacrament there is a communication of the very body and bloud of Chrift : The Papifts afrrme the fame; but all the queftion is, in what manner there is this communica- ting of his body and bloud, they fay, corporally that there is Tranfubftantiation there , we fay-the thing is really done, but it is done fpiritually, it is done myfti- cally, it is done facrarnentally. The reafon of our difference, is becaufe of thefe words of our Saviour, This is my body. And the Po- pifh indeed is fo ftrange an opinion, that I would not wafte time in confuting of it, but that I know there are divers amongft our (elves that doe willingly leave the P pifIs in other points, yet they are held with fame fcruple with this, they know not how to contradiâ Cud) plain words, This is my body, and therefore they cannot Doe. In the Sa. crament -there is a communi cation of the body and blood. of .Chrift.