Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

T h e C u p o f Blefling. cannot bee perfwadcd but that there is fomewhat in it more than our Divines affirme; and therefore it (hall not bec needlefl'e to fpend a little time in (hewing you the falfenefle of this opinion. Firfl, I would askc.this queftion, whether there be neceffity or no, that there íhould be fuch a Tranfub- ftantiation ; for Purely, if there be not neceffity, if that bee but an arbitrary thing, we may as well deny ir, as they affirme ir. Againe, fuch a monfirous conceit as this,compoun. ded of fo many ingrediences, of fo many ftrange mi- racles, the leafl of which goes beyond the higheft in all the Scriptures,I fay,is not to be put upon us without neceflity;themfelves grant,that,unleffe there be a need. fity,we have no reafon to receive it at their hands : And therefore we will enquire firft, and fee what neceffity there is. Firft, I fay, there is no fuch neceffity that there 2 fhould bee any fuch Tranfubf tantiation, any filch cor- There is porall prefence of Chriít in the Sacrament, neither in o ece . regard of the thing, nor in regard of the words, This y is my body. I fay, it is not neceffary in regard of the thing: look to all the ends of the Sacrament, you mall finde that you may have all without fuch a Tranfubftantiation. Fitt}, if the end of the Sacramentbe to bringchrift to our remembrance, as himfelfe faith, that ir was his end, Doe this, (faith flee) as often as you doe it, in re- membrance of mee : certainely, it is not necefIary that there fbo:;' i be a change of br, ad into his body for that, purpofe, be, :aufe the Sacrament it felte with thole words inftitutcd are enough for his remcmbrance H h 4 475 SER M .I, Againf} Tran fob- ft antiati- on. I In rcbar of thc ends of the Sacra- cnent which are. I brin l haft to our cc. m e rn- brante.