Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

2 To 'hew forth the Lox Ds death. 3 To unite as more to Clui a. The Cup of Blefeing. And befides this,the very word,Remember,(hcwes that he is rather abfent than prefent, for wee remember not things prefent, but remembrance is of things abfent : Befides,the other Sacrament reprefents Chri11, and cals him to remembrance, where there is no Inch Tranfub- ftantiation : and therfore it is not for remembance that it is- needfull that Chrifl fhould be corporally prefent. Or fecondly, is it needful' for this, the (hewing forth the Lords death till her come: Surely, for this it is not needful' neither, for in preaching wee (hew forth the Lords death, As the Apoftle faith to the Galathians, Chef( was f plainely Preached, that he was as good as crucified amongft them : And therefore it is nor need. full for the ¡hewing forth of the L OR DS death till he come : befides, there is a particle put in there, that may helpe us a little, till he come, which prefuppofeth that he is not yet here, and therefore it is not neceifary for that end. But againe,is it neceffary for our union with Chrift, for that is another end of the Sacrament, that we may bee united to him ; Purely if the union were corporal], then indeed there might fèeme tome necefìity of it, if wee were fo united to Chrift, as when two boards are clapt together, where one toucheth another : but you know there is no inch corporali union, it is fpiri- tuall, and not corporwll,it is by faith,and not by fenfe What is the union between Chrift and use Partly re- lative, as the union between the husband and the wife, and you knew if the husbandandthe wife bec a thou- fand miles afunder there might be fuck an union : And partly it is reali, a true reali unity, when Chriris Spirit dwels in us, which may be done without the corporal] pretence annomMIS