Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

478 The Cup of Blefling. SE It aI 1., let us confider whether there be any necellity in re. a gard of the words,This is my body: Surely,there ¡snot any neceflity here, for the words may have another No necef- Eity in re- meaning, This is my body ; that is, this is the figure gard of of my body,or this is the Sacrament ofmy body,and the words therefore it is not necelfary, fpeciallyfeeing it is fo frequent with Scrip-ure to ufe metaphors in this kind, I need not name them to you: you know Chrift is called a Rock, he is faid to be a Lambe, to be a Lion, and in another cafe iuddi is faid to be a Devil!, the seed is laid to be the Werd, nothing more frequent, Chrift is laid to be a Vine: I need not give you more initances: Herod, Chrift cals him Fox : The meaning of all this is, that they are types and fignes, like fuch and fuch things. But yet it is the manner of the Scrip`ures fpeech, and therefore it is not of neceflity that thole words fhould be fo taken, for words are like cloathes, that may fit more backs than the own- ers; the words may agree to fomewhat elfe, there is not a word here, but it may agree to divers things: Body, it fignifies divers bodies: the Word, This, fig - nifies as many things as you point to : and therefore there is no neceflity that they fhould fignifie a corpo- ral! prefence of Chrift. But you will object, I, but in a matter of this mo- ment, as the Sacrament, the Lard fpeakes diftinetly and exprefly, there he ufeth no metaphor, though in other cafes he doe. Metaphors To this I anlwer briefly, it is fo farre from being tared in the Sacra- true, that he uleth them not in the Sacrament, that meats of there are none of all the Sacraments, but it is ufed. In the Law. the Sacrament of Circumcifion , This the Cove- na at,