Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of Dlef inn. 479 vans , &c. In the Sacrament of the paffeover ( which ! St M I. were the Sacraments of the old Law) the Lambe is the Paffcover, in this very Sacrament. To goe no further for infiances, rake but the fecond part of it, This is the Crap of the drew Te/lamene in my blood, where you fhall finde two types and figures , this cup , taken for this Wine ; This is the Cup of the Nevi Teflament , that ;s, the Sacrament of the New Teflarnent: And there- fore we fee , there is no neceffity in regard of the words : and there is no neceffity, fir'cc with a little buckling and fwerving, This is my body , that is, this is the figure of my body , we have a convenient ii nfè, why fhould we faine fuck a monfirous thing, hat bread is turned into the very body of Chtifl, and the wine in- to the very bloud? What needs fúcla a monfirous fetch as this , to hclpe the words to a meaning e What need or neceffity is there, that they fhould be fo interpreted And therefore wee fee in the firfl place that there is no neceffity , and if there be no necefficy, it is not to be put upon us , for if that bean-arbitrary thing,we may afwell deny it. Secondly , as there is not neceffitie, fo there is not Z poffibility , ( though it were poffible) they would not There is get much , for there are many things that are poffible nó yocii- that are not done: But it is notpoffible; Wit were pof- bility Of i fible , then it mutt fland with the power of G o D : But t. , the power of G o n is not ufed , but where the glory and vrifedome of G o D goe before, for it is the bar - benger of his glory and wifedomc. The power of G o D is not of d , but Wit be for his honour , there= fore it is faid,Godsannos lye, becaute it is not for his ha_ no= , and he cannot deny hisnlèlfe, becaufe it is not for