A 480 SERM.J. It is a- oain ft the glory of God. Glory ap peared in thrifts loweft hunoiliati on. z Againft his wife - dome. The Cup of Dlef?ing. for his wifedome and his glory:, Now I fay fince this is not for the glory of G o. n (for it is againft his glo- ry) that there fhould be fuch a converfion ofthe bread into the body of Chrift, and it is againft his wife - dome : And if it be againft there, thencertainely, the power of God mutt not be called to it : Now I fay, it is againft hit glory , becaufe whenfoever the Lord appeared , he appeared alway in glory, though fome- times he appeared as a man, yet there was fuch a Ma- jeftie that cauféd them to tremble that beheld him : Shall we fee God and liver You fee when he appeared to Elias,what Majçftie became in a What harbengers he fent before him ,the Wind that rent the Rockes,and a Fire , &c. But you will f a y CH R i s T bumbled himfelfe to death as a man, therefore he doth not alwayes appeare in glory. It is true, and that was the loweft degree of FIH,nï- liation; and yet when he appeared as man, there was force fparke of his Divinity appeared there: But that Chrift fhould appeare in the likeneffe of a peece of bread that thou mayeft put in thine owne mouth,furely this is a monftrous thing ?it is againft theglory of God. Doe you thinke, if Chrift fhould come downeupon the earth, after his Afcenfion, and exhibite hirmfeife to be worfhipped amongft us,that he would prefent him felfe in the forme of a peece of bread a It is impofïi. ble, it is not for his glory, nor, the honour of his name, and if it be not for his glory, then certainely the power of God muff not bee brought downe for the working of it. And as it is againft his glory, fo it is againft his wifedome, for the Lord doth nothing to no purpofe, he