Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of Bleffing. 481 hee loth nothing in vaine,hee never wrought miracles BERM. i. when they might be (pared, where the thing might be done without a miracle. Since this might be done without a miracle , all that we have by Chrift, all that is reprefented in the Sacrament,what needfity is theree And if there be no neceffity , it befeemes not the wife - dome of G o D to doe it : Ag,aine would not the fmalieft miracle, really and vifibly expofed to fenfe, helpe more than filch a miracle as this : Betides all this , I fay , it is not poffible ( make your owne fenfes Iudges ) you fee nothing but bread ; now this is a fure rule, that of all demonftrations of reafon that wee 3 have to prove things , nothing is fo firme as that Agintt which is taken from fence : To prove the fire is hot, SGIlfe. wee fede it hot, or honey to bee fvveete, when wee tall it tobeefweete : There is no reafon to the world makes it fo firme as fenfe : As it is true in there cafes, fo it is an undoubted Truth in Divinity , that in all matters of fenfe , fenfe is a competent Iudge : Indeed, if it bee a matter of reafon there fenfe is not able to judge, the eye is able to judge of his owne fenfe , of founds it cannot judge ; but, I fay , objeEts pro- per to fenfe , peculiar to fenfe, in there fenfe is a competent ludge. And therefore Chrift himfelfe, in this very bufinefFe , when bee would prove that bee had a true body , hee fends them to their fenfes, pit bath not fleflr and bones its you fie mee have : And Thomas hee bids , Put thy hand into my fide and feele , &c. Hee fends them to their fenfes : Locke tho- row the Scriptures, and fee if there bee one miracle there , if Cenfe be not a competent judge according to that part of the miracle that concerns the fence; would