48z The Cup v f 13lefs'ing, sa RM.I. would you not thinke it ftrange, if Chrift thould have come to the Matter of the feaft, when he wrought the miracle, and have faid, Sir, you mull beleeve that this is wine, though you fee nothing, though you tafle no- thing but water, yet you mutt beleeve that it is turned into wine; And if God fhould have faid unto mores, Though thou fee nothing, but a Rod,thou mutt beleeve it is turned into a Serpent: If there had been no change indeed,and fuch as fenfe might fee, we would think it a ridiculous thing,and next dooreto an Impoffure: And therfore certainly in matters of fente,fenfe is a compe- tent Iudge; and therfore when all the fenfes tell us that it is bread when wee taft, when the eye and the touch, when every thing makes it evident that it is bread,why fhould we fay there is any thing elfe but bread r 4 Betides, if we will adde to fenfe, reafon; it is againft Againft reafon, as well as againft fenfe : It is againft reafon that reafon, Chrift fhould be in heaven, and yet have ten thoufand bodies on earth, and yet Chrift hath but one body,and a body can be but in one place ; And againe, this body mull bee without all circumfcrip:ion and qualities and properties of a body. And againe, that the bread that wee fee fhould bee no bread, fay they, there is the whiteneffe of bread, there is the tafle of bread, there is the quantity of bread, and that isall : I would but aske them one thing, when this bread is eaten, fince there is nothing there, but thefe accidents, there is nothing but the meere quantity, and the like : I would aske, whether it nourifh the body or no; they mutt needs anfwer no, if they follow their principles, becaufe the body of C H R t s r is not there, they fay it is remooved as foone as the bread is deftroyed,, when. ,eauvral