The Cup of Bleiinn. when it begins to turne into flefh , it lofeth thefe acci- dents ; well , the bread returnes not againe, there is no- thing but accidents of the bread , and yet certainly it doth nourifh ; for it is reported by credible Authors, that tome have been fo holy, that they would feed up_ on nothing elfe but the EuchariJ1, for a prieft may con - fecrate a Celler of wine, and as much bread as he will, and may feed upon this, and with thefe hee may bee nourifhed, and yet there is nothing but accidents of bread:In a word,the Schools that traverfe this fo acute_' ly are not fatisfied at all in this , but they leave it as a wonder , as a thing that cannot be explained : So it is againfl reafon,as it is againft fenfe. But you will fay , faith is beyond lente and reafon, it is true, it is beyond both , but it is not contrary to both; faith teacheth nothing contrary to reafon , for fenfeand reafon are Gods workes afwell as grace, now one worke of od doth not deftroy another ; if they fhould, there mutt be an imperfeEtion in the workman, and therefore grace and faith contrary not fenfe and reafon; indeed it elevateth reafon, and makes it higher, it makes it fee further than reafon could , it is contrary indeed to corrupt reafon, but to reafon that is right rea- fon, it is not contrary, onely it raifeth it higher : And therefore kith teacheth nothing contrary to fenfe and reafon. But betides thefe , if wee thew them Scripture too, what will they have then to fay t when we fay it is a- gainft fence and reafon, fay they,the Scriptures affirme it, ifit doe, we will yeeld. Let us examine the words, if the Scripture afirme it : Yes , fay they, the Scripture faith , This is my Body , they are Chrifts words; but ii the 4E3 SER M .I. 5 Again[t Faith. 6 Again$ Sctiptare. .