484 The Cup of Die Finz. SERB[ . . the Scriptures fay fo, yet the Scripture faith no where, that that bread is turned into the body, that no where faith , that there is fuch a Tranfubftantiation onely thofe words ufed, which as you heard, may have a me. taphoricall, tropicali, figurative fenfe : But betides rh is , what if the Scripture fay the contrary? you thall finde this in the next Chapter five times called Bread and after it is confecrated too, as the Apoftle faith, The Cup of Blesfing that we bleff e,and the bread that we breake: After flee had bleffed the bread, then hee tooke it, and after he tooke it , then he brake it , he thus tooke that which is called Bread. Againe , they fay the body of Chrift is not broken, but that is broken, which is aiwayes after the words of Confecration, but it is the bread that weebreake. Againe, fit could be understood otherwife, you fee what a Tautology would be in the words The Bread that wee breake, it is the Communion of the Body of chilli; If the meaning was, that it is the body, here the words muff be thus rendred; The body that we breake, is it not the communion ofthe body a But, I fay, five times you thall finde it in this next Chapter, that it is Bread after the words of Confecration ; and you know it is laid to be.. Wine, Christ faith, he will not drink ofthe fruit of the vine ; by which he meanes the very win( which was before in the Sacrament : and therefore certainly they finde nothing that affirme it. Befides ;if it were the meaning of Cnrift, rhia is my body what is the reafon the Diiciples never asked any qpeftìon about it e What is the reason the Fathers, that followed in the firft times fpake not of fuch things e I need not trouble you with that. Now you (hall