The Cup of Wing. (hall find all along from the firft, that the Fathers make no fuck mention of that; but not to hand to prclfe this further becaufe I fee the time paffcth, and this thing I intend not to ftandon : You fee therfore the falfenefie of this opinion, that this Communion of the bloud of Chrift, and of the body of Chrift, fhould be through any reali corporali Tranfubftantiatiòn. But what is it then e Wee are to diítingui(h betweene the inward and the outward action, there need no morebut that with the outward adtion, with the mouth of the body we take the bread and wine ; and with the inward aEti- on, that is, by faith wee take the very body and bloud of C x R r s r ; thefe wee diftinguifh, thefe they con. found : Bur, I fay, wee agree in the thing, wee fay C H R I S T is communicated to us in the Sacrament, as truely and really as they, only there is difference in the manner, wee lay it is fpiritually, they fay it is cor- porally. For what is the Sacrament a (to open it to you) and fo I will come to make fome ufe to you. This Sacrament is nothing elfe, but the Seale of the The Sa- Gofpell of the New Covenant; and it is indeed no- he suie thing elle, but a vifible Gofpell; for what is the Gof_ of the pelf r the Gofpellisbut an offer of Chrift, to all that Gofpell. will take him, for remiffion of finnes; now the fame thing which the Gofpell preacheth ro the care, that fame the Sacrament preacheth to the eye, that is, in the Sacrament there is an o f f e r of C H R I S T to us, The con - Take and Bate, that is,take Chrift,whofc body wad broken, anion on and whole bloud w /hed for you,take him for remiffion of Gods part. fins : I fay the fame is done,only the Gofpell prefents it to us under audible words, and the Sacrament prefents Ii it 4g5 BERM. I.