Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

486 me Cup of iep ng. 5 RM.I it to us under vifble lignes : this is all the difference: If w ee would know what the Sacrament is, confider what the Gofpell is, and the Covenant, and you fhall know what this is, for it is but a Seale, but a memori- all of the Gofpell ; now what is this Gofpell a It is no- thing but this, when G od looked onmankind, as fallen Gorpell in evldam, he tooke a refolution in himfelfe to recover What. them againc, by giving his Sonne to them : Now this mull bee manifefted to men, therefore hee fends his mcf gingers to declare to the fonnes of men,to let them know their eflate by nature, and to tell them that hee hath given them his Sonne to fave them from their fins, and to .reconcile them to himfelfe, to give them title to the kingdome, from the hope of which they were fallen : this is one part of the Gofpell, this pro. mife which he hath made, which I fay, is nothing elfe but a meere ofl tf of Guilt. But there is another part, which is the condition re- quired on our part;when Chrilt is thus given,you muff ferve him,and love him, and obey him,and turne from all your evill wayes, you muft bee his, as he is yours : now when this covenant and agreement is made be- tweene us,hc puts his Seale to ir, this Sacrament of the Lords Supper : As Iacob and Labao, when they had made an agreement one with another, that they (bould not hurt one another,they pitched foones upon an heap, This /hall be a witneffe betweene rts, that is,if either of us breake the bargaine, let this heape wi :ne(fe, that there INNS fuch a covenant made : And as G o m himfelfe did, when he made a covenant with Noah, that the wa- ters fhould no more overflow the earth,he let his Bow in the clouds,and that was a witnefe,that when I fee the Bow