Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of Ble fling. 487 Bow in the cloud, if I goe about to drowne the earth againe with water, let this witnef c againft me : So in the Pafleover, when hee made a promife that the de. ftroying Angell (pare them, bee commands them that they íhould fprinkle the doore.cheeks with blond, that whenhe fees the bloud, that witnes might fecure them, that the LORD would remember what hee had pro - mifed when hee had feene that: And as among men, when a man conveys either lands or money,to another man, they ufe to confirme the bargaine with feales or with forne Ligne or memorial!, that when they for. get the bargaine, or deny it, or goe about to breake it, it may be Paid to them, This is your hand and feale,the thing is done, you have part it, it cannot be recalled; if you doe, this will witneffe againft you: So the Lord here, when he hath made his Covenant with us, I will give you my Sonne, And you againe Thal! give your relves up to him, hee put his hand and kale to ir, as t were, hee addes this Sacrament that will bee a wit- wife againft him, if hee fhould goe about to breake he covenant, as it is awitnefl°e againft us if we breake he Covenant of faith and repentance, that is required m our part : You fee therefore what the Sacrament is, t is nothing but the Seale of the Gofpell, prefeotin that to the eye, which the Gofpell prefents to the e: e For it prefents God as it were, becomes with Cyril} in his hand, laying this to us, This is my Son, his body ie broken for yore, and his blond fbed for you, take Him, let Him be yours, only remember that you _lime Him, that you love Him, that you -obey Himagain,and let this Sacra. ment be a figt,eand a witneffe between us: fo that as the Goff ell hath two parts, one is a relation of all tlea I i 2 Christ SER,r1.10