Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pl. 488 5E1114.1. 2 Parts of the Got- pell. Yfe I. To con- .firme us ill the aífu- rar.ce of tt forgiveaes The Cup of Bleßinz. Chrift bath done; and another is the giving and offe- ring Chrift to us, fo in this Sacrament there is a repre- tenting of Chrift, he was crucified, his body was bro- ken, his bloud was flied, anda deed of gift is delivered of Chrift to us, Take and eat : And therfore know that it is not a bare Pigne, but it is a Pigne of the Covenant; and thereis a difference betweene thole two, to fay the Sacrament is a figue of Chrii,and a fagne of the Cove - nant,even as there is a great difference between the wax that onely beares the impreffion of an Image flamped uponit,and between that whichis a.feale to a Deed;that is the figue of the covenant ofbargaine,and agreement, for that gives intereft into the thing, that gives Title to the thing,that conveyes the thing to us, that bindes the owner perpetually to the performance of the thing ; fo the Sacrament is not a naked fagne, reprefenring this act of Chrift, but it gives us intereft, not onely into fame benefits, no, he faith not, you !hall have remiffi on of Pinnes, or you !hall have adoption, but he faith, Take, this is my Body : By body is meant whole Chrifl, by a Synecdoche, wee have Chrift and all things elfe. What ufe are wee to make of this e Surely iris of great ufe many wayes : Firft, we mull make tais ufe of it, which is the maine end of the Sacrament, to con- firme our faith in the afrurance of the forgivenelfe of our times, as like wife to renew our Covenant, and the condition required on our part; when G o D hathfaid hee is willing to pardon our fins, if he had but barely faid it, it had Beene enough, God cannot lye: But left it.Ihoald not be enough, he bath not only faid-ir, but he bath fworne it, Heb. 6. He hash finorne by,hirmf lfe, that .11.0.....Esp.