Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of Diefling. MIMIOIMININdele 489 that by two immutable things we might have firong confo. Ss R ation : Being willing, faith the Apoftle, to Phew tothe heires of promife the flablenefl'c of his Counfell, hce bound himfelfe with an oath,but yet left that (hould not Two be enough, he hath added feales to it, he bath given the inward feale of the Spirit, and the outward Peale of the Sacrament ; as if he lhould fay,I have promifed to for- give you your fins, let the Sacrament witneffe againft me, if' I perforate it not: Here by theway obferve, how difficult a thing it is for us to beleeve, you may hdg co t thinke it an eafie thing when you arc in health, when beleeve. you are well ; but when death conies, when temptati- on comes, when trouble of confcience comes, I fay, you (hall finde it a difficult thing, you !ball find a need of all thefe helps; for certainly G o n fweares not in vaine, he would not have bound himfelfe with an oath, to be ready to forgive fins,ifthere were not exceeding- ly need of fuch helpes to confirme us ; and therefore you have need to fet your (elves more diligent about it, make this ufe of the Sacrament, labour to confirm your (elves in this a{furance. So that as the Apo/ile faith, You may havefrongconfolation,that is,when the tempta- tions of Satan (hall afhault you with objections to the Rearons to arme us a. contrary,you may be ftrong,and not (haken :And why gain(} fhould you bee doubtful' (if wee ( hould a little rea(on doubting with you) that you may receive the fruit of this, for ntffe.give `z why fhould you feale ite For firft,the Lord profefl'eth, 1 wouldnot the deal hofa finneras I live: And why will you dye,oh you houf ofifraek What is the meaning of this ? I Our to Phew that the L o R D hath an exceeding great Ceh The ftître, earnefily longs to Cave the foules of men. In- the talus- deed hee faith not that hee will give every one grace tun of Ii 3 tolmen.