Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

49° j The Cup of Dieting. SE R M.1 j to come in, but if hee doe, c...11 Ilive faith the Lord, t will not his death, that is, I am ready to forgive him : The ten- Befides this, confider what a man is ready to doe, dernefle confider how tender hearted Fathers and Mothers are an ° to their Children ; if we finde fo much mercy there, confider how much there is in God ; that mercy that is in us, is but a drop to the Ocean, it is but a beame, Luke to the fulneffe that is in him : if you that arc evill can Gbri ath llt give good things to your children,how much more_Pall your de were voyd heavenly Father doe it ? Againe, confider if the Lord were not ready to thew mercy to you,that chaff (hold not be of none effeó, that is, the bloud of chrifi fhould be (bed in vaine. And doe you think the Lord would fend his Son to foffer death, and to fuffer it in vaine and that fhould be in vaine, if he fhould not be ready to receive men to mercy,when they come to fake it at his hands . befides if the Lord fhould not doe this, no flab fhould be Paved : Pfal. r 3 o, 3. faith the Pfalmifl there, if thou Lord /l ouldefl marke all that is done amijfe, who could fland? The meanie is this,if the Lord fhould not be ready to doe this,which he hath given to the Sa- crament to confirme, namely to forgive fins, if flee fhould not be ready to doe it, if he fhould marke firait. ly what is done amifíe, who could ¡land, that is, who should bce favcd t Now certainely the Lord bath made man for that purpofe, man (hall bee faved, none were made for damlation: Befides, there is another Feare put argument, There is mercy with thee that thou mightefl be for the eared : Feare is taken for the Worfhi that is worfliip off P of God , , God, if the Lord fhould not receive men, none would wor_ (hip him, none would ferve him; when there is no hope, take away all hope, take away all endeavour If