ne Cup of Bleiing. If this will not perfwade you, confider what the Lord bath done for others; how many thoulands of other have had their finnes forgiven, and then thinke, had bee mercy for fuch and fuch, and hath he not mercy enough for me a Hath not C H R I S T taken thy na- ture as well as theirs a If all this will not perfwade you confider how mercifull Chrift was in the dayes of his flefh, he was exceeding gentle, eafie to be entrea- ted, you (hall never find that there was any that asked at his hands,but he granted it : And think you that he is lefIä pittifull now to mens foules, than he was to their bodies e Doe you thinke that now he is in heaven, hee bath laid afide his mercifull difpofition e No, Heb.4. Wee have a merc full High Priefi that is touched with our infirmities, that is ready to forgive : Oh, but my fins are exceeding great r what though they be, is not the Lords mercy exceeding, is it not like the mighty Sea, that drownes Mountaines afwell as mole-hits : My finnes are of divers forts, what if they bet' in the Lord there is multitudes of mercies, as many as thou haft fins : I,but they have oft been repeated,I have oft fal- len into them again and again: What if thou haft e Is not his mercies renewed every morning: And, Zach. 13.1. There is a fountain opened for the houfe of Judah and icrufalem to wall) in : Not a cifterne, but a foun- tains, that is, as there is a fpring of fin in us, fo there is a fpring of mercy in God, there is no end of his mer, cy, therefore doubt not in regard of that. J3ut again, I am unfit, if 1 were fit and ready for this I might receive fruit from the Sacrament, but I am unfit ? Why e If thou thoughteft thy (elfe fit, thou fhouldeft not have it; even therefore, becaufe thou I i 4 fs eleft 491 SERM . I. 4 Confider what God hath done for others. 5 The mer- cy of Chrifl when he was upon e:rth. objea. 4nfw. Gods mer- cy greater than our Ins. vrnfw. Afi,htof our unfit - ne, makes us fit for mercy. Tomollo