492 The Cup of 2lefin &. Sawa. I, feeleft thy felfe unfit, the rather thou (halt be received to mercy : the Lord lookes for this at our hands, that we find and feele fuch unfitneffe in our foules,the more we are humbled,the leffe we find in our foues,the more ready the Lord is to receive us to mercy: Betides, this very unfit mile, I would aske thee, but what it is; Is it not fine If all fins be forgiven, if the pardon be gene - rall, then it is contained among the reft, and (hall not be any impediment: And therfore make this ufe when you come to the Sacrament, thinke not that God is backward to forgive, that he will not be as good as his word, certainely he will; and know this,that what he bath laid, and fworne, bee will performe, ¡leaven and Earth Jhall pale away, brit his Word pall not /vie. This indeed is our chiefeft confolation, that our faith is not built upon perfwafions and imaginations of our owne, that our finnes (hall be forgiven, but it is built upon the lure Word of God : And as Saint Paul faith, Gala. i. If an vingell from heaven 'head preach any other GPI pelf, you Jhould not receive it from him. So when you have this lure Word, that God hath given you a gene. rall pardon, Come unto me all yee that are weary, and hea- vy laden, &c. You may build upon this lure Word : Now when you put all there together, that the Lord bath Paid it, and put his Peale to it, if he fhould not doe it, the death of G H R r s r Mould bee of none effesr}, no fle(h fhould be faved, no man would worfhip God. Againe, there is nothing can be an impediment tous, not the greatnefl'e, and multitude of our finnes, and our relapfe into finne, not our unfitneffe ; why fhould we doubt a But now this is the condition on G o D s part. Then voINERII