The Cup of 1lelina.- Then fee the Condition required on our part; what is that Firft , it is required that we take the Lord Term Chrift, for though the Lord give him in the sacra- ment, though he offer him in the Gofpell, except wee take himn, he is not ours. If we beleeve that one will give us a thoufand pound, that makes not a man rich, if he be ready to give it , it is the taking that makes us rich : If wee beleeve that there is fuch a fovcraigne e leâtuary that is able toheale , that beleeving doth not Neale, it is the taking of it , if it be not taken it heales not. And therefore there is required a taking ofi Chrift ; So many .0 received him , he gave power to be the fins of God. So many as received him. Ifa Virgin believe that fuch a Suiter is willing to take her for his wife,except the take him for her husband,it is no match. And fo to beleeve that Chrift is ready to forgive and pardon our fines, to beleeve that God the Father will give Chrift to you as he hatb ; To as a Son is given, E fa. 9.6. To believe this except we take him, it doth not profit, Nee is not ours till then : This taking is that which the Scripture calls Faith , this is a beleeving in him : If you would know what this taking is , it is no- thing elfe but the very accepting of Chrift for our King, Lord and Husband : So that look what it is among men, ifyou would aske what it is for a fpoufe to take fuch an one for her husband,for a fervant to take fuch an one for his inafter,for a fub }ea to take fuch an one for his King, it is no more, but this,the very as of the will,whereby they content, and accept fuch an one for their husband, for their Mailer or King ; it is the taking of hire , and this is the taking oflefue Chrift;l fay, when we (hall ac- cept 493_1 SERM ^I. The con- d ition of the cove- nant on our part. r To take Chrift. Ioh. What it i to take Chrift.