Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

494 The Cup of B1e ,stn$. SERM.1. ceps him, when we fee God hath given him to us, and -- that he hath given himfeife, when we take him for our Lord and Mailer, that íis the very ad of the Will, h°reby we refolve to make him ours , and refolve to give up our hives to him , as he is given to us : That is the firficondition that is required, wee muff take him; 2 and this the Scripture calls faith. Is this all a No, To fern there is fomewhat elfe required, you mull take him in trtru. deed afwellas in will , that is, you muff fo take him , as to ferve him,and only him,to turne from all evil ways, and therefore the pardon runnes fo,though it be a gene.. rail pardon;as there is a general proclamation; whatfo_ ever yowr rebellions be , it is no matter for all kind of rebellions , there is neither any finne nor any perfon excepted, but then this condition runnes along with it, you muff take him for your King : Is that all 3 No, you mull lay downe your armes of rebellion, turne from fin. you muff renounce the Colours and Tents of the ene- mie, and come in and be fubjt:é} to him, you muff live by his Lawes : And therefore betides taking of him, there is required that wee bee ready to obey Chrif} in- deed, and not to take C H R I S T onely as a Saviour: Every man is ready to take him as a Prieft tß fave them from their firmes, but to take him as a King and a Lord, fo as to be fubjed unto him, here all the world is at a ffand ; as the young man when he carne to C x sr sr, and hee tells him what bee muff doe, Goe fell all , &c: He would not take him with this condition ; here every man is ready to refufe him: wee are willing to follow C R x r s r thorow faire way , but not thorow foule and rough way; wee are willing to take him with a Crowne of glory