Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of 131e[.?ing. glory, but not with a Crowne of thornes ; wee are willing to take the Tweet, but not the fowre: But we muff know , that if we will take Chrilt, we muff likewife obey him and take him as an Husband , our will mutt be fubjed to his will ; we mutt take him as a Lord, we mutt be fubjeet to him in all things, we mutt keepe his Commandements ; and therefore he hath fo expreft it, 1fyou will fifer with him, you(hall reigne with him , not elfe ; If you will obey me and keepe my Coin_ mandements , then you fhall be my Dleiples, if you will follow me, and deny yourfelves, and take up your crofts, &c. Take up my croffe daily. Therefore a fecond Condition is this, which the Scripture calls fometimes repentance and converfion to God, fometime obedience. But is this all ? No, there is one more required, that we doe all this out of love , for when a manis in extremity , when he is driven to an exigent, now to take Chrift, and to keepe his Commandements; per- haps he will be willing to doe, to expedite himfelfe out of fuch a ( traite but will the Lord regard this e Surely no , except it be from love ; therefore Gal. 5 5 you (hall finde them all three put together, Neither Crrcumcifion availeth any thing, nor uncircumci ion, but faith that worketh by love . there you have the firtt Con dition, which is faith. The fecond, which worker!), it is not an idle faith but it is a faith that fers you a work ; and then you have the third , they are woi k s that come from love. A man will be ready to doe any thing to fave his life ; you know a Merchant when he is as the fa, rafts away hii goods,wben he is in extreme danger, not becaufe he arid his goods are fallen our,bur ro 495 SER him in ovc.