The ctip of 1r3leßing. 497 vous to us , and what we doe be done out of love; and SERI,' therefore it is required, when we doe this, that we love the Lord Iefus Chrift. I will be /bold to fay, a man may day and night as earneltly as Hannah did , he may keep the Commandments of God without reproofe, as Zachary and Elizabeth did for the outward an, bee may abound in the worke of the Lord, but whatfoever he doth, If he doe it not out of love, God lookes upon fuck workes, as upon a dead carcafe; fo they arc called Heb. 9. ,Dead workes , that is, workes that are good for T-Tb.9 24, fubftance, and circumftance too, but yet they are dead, becaufe they come not from love, there is no life in them : Therefore in I Cor. r 6.2 . Whofoever loves not the Lord Iefiss, faith the Apoftle, let him be accurfed. Whofoever loves not the Lord Ieftr that is, whatfoever a $Cor.16. man doth betides , let him profetlè what he will , and performe what he will, if he love not the Lord Iefus,he is accurfed: And that I. fpeake not this without ground, looke i Cor. i 3. Take the molt glorious anions that a man can pertorme , if a mangive his body to be burnt, that is, to be a Martyr, if he gives his goods to the poire, icoro3.3 which is an high action fora man to part with all hee hath ; if he doe that which Chrifl required of the Young man, to deny himfelfe : If a man were able to preach the Gofpeil , if he had guifts as an Angel, as the Apoftle fpeakes, If he were able to Oeake with the tongues of men and Angels and if it were without Hypocrites , canr5oc lot'e love, God regards it not : Love is a difti-nguifhing Cha_ curia. raQer, an hypocrite may got very far but love hee cannot ; it is love therefore that fers an high price upon all that wee doe : And therefore you (hall finde from the beginning of Genefis , to the end of the Revela.