Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

498 sERm .I. Revelation, the Promu e s made full to the Affeeiion, and it is the Affe6ion that makes a man a good man; he that feares the LÒrçl,and he that loves the Lord and he that delights in the Commandements of God, &c. And therefore it is not enough that we take Chrif} and that we beleeve in Him, that we do the works that He commands us, but that we doe them out of love : And this is the Condition that is required on our part. So you fee now what the Gofpellis, what the fumme of it is : that is fealed in the holy Sacrament, it is this co- venant on Gods part, that he is ready to forgive us; wherein you muff ftrengthen your faith when ycu draw neare to him. And a_ gaine, this condition on your part, Faith and obedience out of love, as you have heard : This is the firtf ufe that you are to make. I ihouid pro. ceed. The Cup of B1ersing. THE eal