Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

T HE.0 VP OF BLESSING: Delivered in three Sermons, upon t Cor. 1o. 16. The Second SE A MON. Y CoR. 10.16. The Cup of Bleßing, that we ble fje, is át not the Communion of the blond of Chrift ? &c. E E I N G wee have the fame occafion for which I tookethis Text, being to re- ceive the Sacrament againe the next Sab- bath,and fo along ; I thought it better to continue it, than to divert to another when wee handled it the laa time, we told yen there were thefe three parts in the words ; Fir{I , the! a is a true Communion of the body and bloud of Chrift. Secondly , the meanes by which it is conveyed to sac,