The Cup of IBleßing. 0 1 applying this to his material( and corporali body , that hee underftands of his myíticall body, which is re- cr;ved by faith. I will not nand to repeate more of that I delivered then, left the time prevent us in that which remaines. Onely one thing which I then omitted , and that is a great obj,JEtion ofthe Papifts , out of the fixt Chap. ter of Saint John, where Chrift fpeakes fo much of eating his fíefh , and drinking his blood , which , fay they, muft needs be underftood of a corporali mandu cation, of eating his body and drinking his bloud its the Sacrament; we will fpeake one word of this. EH}, t at this cannot be the meaning of that claufe, is evidenr,bccaufe the Supper of the Lord was not then intlituted ; and therefore it could not be he fhouid have relation to that, becaufe Chrift fpake to thofe that might underftand him, the words were intelligible at the leaft Now it was i,npoffiole that thole that beard hícn, fhould underftand him of the Sacramentofth. Lords Sapp, r , becaufe it was a cuing that was not; and tf they fay that was their dulneffe: I anfwer, it is no; dulnefi;, riot to conceive that which fimply could not bee known : This that had no being , could not br: t- knowne and therefore this is certaine he had not rela- tion to that. Befides that, if you marke the courfe of the words, you fhall finde he faith there, than rather the fL fh r, -tinted into bread, than the bread to flefh, faith h, lam the true bread, that came dowse frons heaves, he repea, s 'iat often in the Chapter , verte 5 t. i an the living Tread , and nsyfie/7i it bread , and 1 give life to the world : So that you flàall finde more reafon , it you read that K k Chapter' Objeaì- ons of che Papifts out of lohn 6. Anfwered.