Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

502 Many ra- ved that never eate the flet t of Chrifi ír the Sacra. n,$nt. The Cvtp of 13lefing. Chapter, why the flefh thould be turned to bread,than the bread into flerli. But betides that, the eating of Chrifis flefh, and the drinking of his blond, is alwayes taken in a good fente, and ;t is alwayes peculiar to the Saints : And therefore, verfe 53.54. you mall finde both exprefied : Except a man eate has fle/b , and drinke his blond , he bath no life in him : Againe. Whefever, (without exception) cares his lcí1t, and drinker bid blood, he hafrh eternal! life, and Chrifi rod raife him up at the lafi day : So if you take the words generally as Chrift expreffeth them , and fo they muff needs beunderftood, Then it is impoffible that his flefh ( hould be eaten in the Sacrament,and his blood drunke, becaufe many that íhould cate his filth there, in a cor. porall manner (hall not be faved, which you know themfelves grant. Bt fides,t here are many that never eat his flefh nor drinke his blood in the Sacrament, that arc faved , and have life in them , as you know the Theefe on the Odle , went immediatly to Paradife, though lice never eat the flefh of Chrifi in the Sacra- ment nor dranke his bloud : All the Patriarkes before Chrifi, Did not they drinke the fame fpirituall drinke, did they not Late thefamefpiratuoll meat, "¡owe doe ? but they never eat it in the Sacrament : c i4ary Magdalen, when the had never rafted of the Sacramenr,taith CH it a s r, Gae thy way, thy flanes are forgiven thee : What need I give you infiances of children than dyer Ir is the opi- nion of the Councell of Trent, they fer it downs in plaine termes, That children, that are bap ized,though they Bate not the Sacrament, and drinke of the blood of Chrift, and Bate his fltflr, arc tali( d: And therefore Chriffs owns words muff be meant in this fer;fe, and can') or