Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cud of Ble f3ing. 503 SER. II. cannot bee underftood of a cor porall eating of his flefh and drinking of his blond. But becaufe thole words, Vnleffe yee ente my fleJb , and drink my bleed, yee cannot have lifi; are a place which the Papifts doe much urge, as if it were impoffible to bee anfwered , and ap. peale herein to the Fathers. Wee will Phew you brief- ly , that it was fo interpreted by the Fathers that lived neare the Apoftles times , as by us, now, before there were any Popifh Donors to corrupt the glofl'e,as origen (that was very ancient ) upon the fifth ofMatthew, faith this, That if it could bee, that he that remaines an ill man, could eate the fleft of Chri fl and drink his blond, then it could never be lard , lohn 6. Whofaever Bates my flefh and drinkes my blond, bath eternall life, and I will rai jè him up at the lafl day. Againe,alfo,4ugu(line in his z6.Traót, upon the Gofie11 of Saint lohn, faith this, Whofeever as not a member of Chrifl,he entes not his fle fh, he drinkes not his blond, though vifibly and corporally tee croft with his teeth the Sacrament of the body and blood of Chrifl Marke the words, The Sacrament ofthe body andblond of Chriff: But it is vaine for me to infift upon the particular fay ing of/Mg/41m, becaufe thole that are acquainted with his fayings , if they deale ingenuoufly,they know they are every where fcattered , that heels very cicare and evi- dent : But I will name one that is exceeding pertpicn- ous, in his third books, D e Doébrina Chrif Tana, Cap. r 3, bee gives us this rule for the interpreting of S rip, in if we finde that commanded that is flagitious, and bur t fall andevill, wee mull not interpret Scripture fo, thatfuck a thing is to be done : As for example, hee gives this in- flame , lohn Chrift fpeaks of eating his flefh , and drinking has blood, faith he, this is a flagitious, an evill, K 2 and ExpoGti on of the Fathers on Iohn 6,13 origen, on Mat 5 c.ísug. z6.Traff on Iohn,