504 .SzR. II. Atmbro¡. on PCal. IIá. The Cup of Bleflinn. nd an hainous thing,that a man abhors Wien he thinks of it;and therfore the words are not fo to be under flood, but you multi underffand them fpiritually , and fagura tively;.you muff, when you beate thofe words ninth). be, that Chrifls fi fIi ma crucified for you,and that his bleoa was flied; and fo the wards ate to be interpreted. Am brofé upon the rig Pfal, havi.- g occ. fain to (peak, or ht, Sacrament, hath reference to thr,, ¡oh. 6. faith hee, Chrift is the bread of life, he that eates life cannot die , for how (Ball he die, (faith he ) Chrift is the bread of life, hee that eates him therefore, cannot die, therefore ( faith bee ) none are Paid to gate thefle(h of Chrift, and drinke his blond, 6ut they rtífl needs live for ever for he eates that which is life. L. -1t Ni+a acs. bath fpccches as plaine as theft., It is not, . ( faith he) corpora/1,6w it is #,irituaf', that which Ghri ft ß eakes concerning eating of hisfleJl,, and drinking of his blond ( faith he) that frnall body of his could not feedfo many faith h; is reckoned the meate of the whole world And therefore, faith hc, in theiarrer.end of that Chapter, When Chrill has frni flied his speech of. eating his fle¡h, and drinking his blond, he fpeakes of his Af enfion- Into heavcn,that hee might draw us from carnall conceits , to raf fe e r tra'udto under(tand the thing f irituafly, to af. send so him by faith, and to know the fpirttuall nourifhment of the fettle , and not corporals o f:he body. Befïdes him Tertulltanin his Booke , De refurre8ione carnis ; Eu- f bins contra Jv arcellum , nor ro name other particu- lars , they ail interpret the place thus : And theie- fore let not our Adverfarics fay, it is a new interpre- tttion ; it is fanned on the words by Calvin and Be Z4 , as they doe ; it is the interpretation of toe Fa- thers, nay I will . gee further, it is the inrerprccation .1aFt,atafaus Taten 6. É erttsilian D,. reftór-- , eaio Car F a.a f,g; ra MarceBü. nor