The Cup of Diefiing. not of the Fathers onely , but of Tome of their owne Writers ; cajetan upon the third part of Thonncs, the 8 o. Queftion , faith plainly , To ease these f h of chril, is to believe in Cbrift. And Biel in the Canon of his Maffe, and Canifiuus upon thecorinthrans, and others of their owne Writers, which is enough to make it cleare to them, that this is the meaning of the words,that wee havefaid before it. So much (hall ferve for the anfwe_ ring of that ob¡eetion. Wee (hewed the laft day in what manner Chrift is in the Sacrament (I will not ftand to repeate it ) wee come to draw fome confeetaries from the point , that there is a reall Communion of the body and bloud of Chrift in the Sacrament:The firft was for the ftrength fling of our faith : If God had faid it only, it had beene enough God that cannot lye : But I told you, he had not only faid it, but fworneit, and not only fworne it, butput to his Seale : And therefore wee have reafon to believe him ; only I told you what was required, if we will partake of Chrift : Firft , wee muff take him by faith : Secondly , that is not all, wee muff take him in deed, as well as in word , that is , we muff obey him, and live by his Lawes ; we mull lay downe the armes of rebellion, and come in, if wee will have pardon; Thirdly, it is not enough to doe this, but wee mutt doe all out of love. Now when a man heares of this , that all this is required in taking of Chrift; here,I told you, all the world is at a Rand , there is no body will be con- tent to take him, when they heare thefe conditions,that they mutt deny themfelves in every thing, in their pro- fit, in their pleafures , in their credit, and mutt rake up every crofl'e and when they meet a croffe , they K k 3 muff 607 Ssu.II. Cajetan. Biel. Ganilzssa(.