506 of z. To thew the great- neßè of Chriíls Hove. The Cup of Ì3lefling. mull not balke the way, but they muft goethorow, when they heare they mull follow him and Ierve him: I fay when men heare this, they refute Chrifl,they will not come in to God : Now what is our bufineffe, but to invite men to come in to God, and to compell them, as he faith, That my houfe may bee full ; we are the Mef- fengers of the Lord, fent that wee may invite men to this banquet , I meane not to this Sacrament , but to the thing : And therefore wee will make it the fecund Confeolary, and fo proceed. If there be here a reall Communion of the body and of the blond of Chrifl then here is the gift or offer of his body and bloud : Confider therefore the greatnefle of Chrifls love , that flee Mould regard us fo much, as to take our Nature, to cloath himfelfe with our flefh and bloud, that he might be crucified,inthat, I fay, this is an extraordinary love : Compare but our condition with the Angels that were fallen , and wee ¡hall fee the greatneffe of this love : The Angels that were fallen ( and wee were fùnke in the fame mire) when God looked down from heaven, and law the miterable con. dition of both,(faith the Author to the Hebrewes )hee had corn pafYion on us , but on the Angels bee had not compaffìon : which difference fliewes his liberty, and fignifieth his mercy towards us, as you (hall finde in malachy, the Lord reafoning with Ifraell, thus have 1 loved you, and yet youf y, wherein haft thou loved uo? faith Le, was not Efau Jacobs Brother:* and yetlacob have 1 loved, and Efàu have gated. So, I fay, the Lord bath loved us, in doing this for us, in giving this body of his to be broken, and his bloud to be flied, bee bath loved us, and hated theme And why bath bee put this difference,