Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The C tt of ßle n i. 507 difï'erence, but becaufe he loved use And therefore SER.II. Paul , as hee is excellent , when hee comes to íetforth this point, Ephef. a. hee faith, When wee were Childress of wrath, when wee were dead in ere(pafes and finnes, when wee were enemies, hee that is rich in mercy ,according to the greatneffe of his love, hark quickned ras and It us to. gether with Chrilt in heavenly places, (marke it ) when wee were in this condition , dead, it was bee that was rich in mercy , according to the greatnefl'e of his love, &c. You (hail finde that the Apo4fle, whenfoever he comes to this matter, knowes not how to expreffe himfelfe, but as a man that flood amazed at the great_ neffe cf Gods love, bee had his thoughts (wallowed up with ir, F4h.3. t 9. That you may know she love of chrif?, which pafeth knowledge, that you may comprehend the length , and breadth, anddepth, and height of the love of Chrifl, &c, which cannot bee meafured : that is, the love of Chrifl was exceeding great : And this is that you are to doe now when you come ro the Sacrament, and not only then, but at all times : For it is profitable for us to doe this, Doe that ( faith Chrift) in remembrance of me; what is that wee fhould remember a His love : And why his lover to gaze upon it, only to know it a No, but to bee moved with it, to love him againe , to take him, to fearc him, to ferve him, to obey him, for that end, you fhould remember it. When Paul was going to D amafcsas , you know the Lord met him by the way, and when bee had met him, Paul ( faith bee) I on I efres whom thon pert cutefl , I am Kra the was crucified for thee, lam lefus'that gave my body for thee, and as many as receive mee : You know when Patti heard this , it melted , it fc itned his heart ; Kk4 and The con- fideration of Chris love ihold melt our hearts.