Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

5-08 The Clip of Elefiíng. SIM. II.. and drawes from him that holy , and good, and hum- ble exprefíiòn; Lord what wilt thou that doe ? As if he fhould fay, I will doe whatfoever thou wilt have mee. I`fay, it was this love, I am Ifjars whom thou pertecutefi, that melted the heart of Paul : So I may fay, to every one that heares meat this time; If there be any among you,that, live in any .fin , whatfoever it is, be it fwea- ring, be it-drinking , be it fornication , be it Sabbath - breaking, bee it what it will, I may fay to him , as if a voyce Mould come from heaven , as it did to Paul, 1t is Iefus whom thou provokeft it is he, whom thou offendefl, whom thou wrongeff, whom thou difhonoureft,it is Iefus that was crucified for thee, that Iefus that gives his body and bloud for. thee, (hall not this melt thee ? Thal! not this affright thee fome- whate fhall it not bring you on your knees , and make you fay I am a finnefull wretch , not worthy to bee received into the number of the Saints Lord, what wilt thou that Idoee I will doe it, I will conti- nue to doe this no more Surely this is a arcing motive; Paul thought fo : I befeech youby the mercies of God that you would come in : Take it in the Prodigall fon, when-heecomes home, and exped}s little ( as hce had reafon to expeci little from his father,when he had car - ried himfelfefo rebellioufly) when his father tiled him in that manner, when he provided a feat for him, and put the robes upon him, and rings upon his fingers, how thankful was hee how was would a man be of %áed in fuch a cafe e So, I lay, that is our condition,we have caufe to look for nothing but death, thereupon comes the Gofpell, that comes and offers iife,that overcomes with kindnefíe,as it were: the Lord come